Tuesday 11 October 2011

Fried Quinoa

Fried Quinoa


1/3 Red capsicum, diced
3-4 rashers of bacon, diced
1-2 carrots, diced finely
2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed and sliced
1/2 onion, diced
1 1/2 cups peas, frozen or fresh
1-2 stalks of celery, sliced finely
1cup Quinoa, cooked in 2 cup of chicken stock
Ketchup Manis to your liking
2 eggs, whisked

Cooking the Quinoa;
Add 1 cup of quinoa to 2 cup of water or chicken stock. Bring to the boil then turn heat down and let simmer, checking occasionally to make sure it isn’t sticking to the bottom, until light and fluffy with no left over water

Cook in wok;
Make omelette and set it aside while you cook the garlic, onion and bacon then set them aside. Chop the omelette and fry of you vegetables. Once they are fried off add the onion, garlic, bacon, omelette pieces and cooked quinoa. Also add Ketchup Manis and cook for a further 2 minutes tossing the whole time. Once the Ketchup Manis is mixed through serve.

This can last up to 2 days in your fridge

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